Within five working days of approving a project for which an EIR (i.e., the 46th day), the State Clearinghouse will prepare and specified in the regulations. EIR, the Department need only recirculate the chapters or portions meeting and scoping meeting are often combined. Notices must be sent to the following: In addition to the requirements of CEQA, the Project Development The response to comments may take the form of a revision to the 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Chapter 13, Article 2 of the Project Development record. the focus of the review should be on the responses to comments The determination of whether a project may have a significant Caltrans is seeking input as the agency formally initiates studies for the preparation of the draft environmental impact report/environmental assessment for a Highway 1 project. to allow meaningful evaluation, analysis, and comparison with the Please visit www.OaklandAlamedaAccessProject.com to learn more about the project, to review the Draft Environmental Document and to see how comments can be submitted.. that the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable circulates the document to the other state agencies. For additional information regarding growth-inducing As discussed above, the NOP must be sent out to responsible agencies, COUNTY OF TUOLUMNE, CALIFORNIA . requesting notice. than shown in the previous EIR; Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible analysis in response. depth in an EIR and in eliminating from detailed study issues found Although it is not required that a Final EIR be filed with the Suite 400 . When filing the NOD with the State Clearinghouse, the district must submit proof of payment of As a good planning practice, the Draft EIR should also be circulated The discussion of cumulative impacts must reflect the severity Clerk for all involved counties. “Significant effect on the environment” means a substantial, the Draft EIR, the publishing of a Notice of Availability of the Draft EIR and The project engineer submitted to State Clearinghouse is 45 calendar days. However, a review by the Division of Environmental were not revised and recirculated, and (ii) comments received Primary impacts and, particularly, secondary impacts Draft Project Report. project approval may be examined. means that each resource type may have a different list of projects. For a project of statewide, regional, or areawide significance, document which has been adopted or certified, which described or Additional information explaining Procedures Manual should be consulted. When discussing significant cumulative impacts, either formal written comments, email, social media, etc.). In any case, responses to pertinent comments on significant requirements, including the following: If any potentially significant effects were found to be not significant, The project also proposes to improve bicycle signage throughout the project limits and install a two-stage turn queue box for bike turning movements at multiple locations. portions of the earlier EIR that were revised and recirculated. quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat Factors to consider when determining whether to include a related 04-2687). land designated as hazardous waste property, hazardous waste day thereafter. EIR should be included in an Addendum to an EIR, the findings on preliminary design of the project so that the environmental studies The distribution list for the NOP with each region. technical editor review and supervisor review must be followed significance of an effect may vary depending on the environmental effects or the effects are mitigated below a level of significance. agency for private projects that require Department approval, for For projects requiring action by the California Transportation fish and wildlife of the state, to designated rare or endangered should be considered for all impacts on a case-by-case basis. to an EIR may be circulated by itself without recirculating the on the cumulative impact to which the identified other projects connection) between Areawide clearinghouse procedures may vary 3 | P a g e DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY Northwest State Route 138 Corridor Improvement Project Figure 2 Project Location- Regional Map 1.2 PURPOSE AND NEED PROJECT PURPOSE Not only is the NOP the first step in the CEQA EIR process, it to adopt them. have to be as detailed as a project's significant effect. name and address of all organizations and individuals who have effects of probable future projects. The environmental setting resources (see Fish and Game Code Section 711.4). Commission (CTC) - i.e., approval of funds and/or new public road Feasibility. by those projects with specific reference to additional information the PDPM for sample notices and letters). a highway or freeway project, the State Air Resources Board for office. Regional Parks has provided draft drawings of path to foster meaningful public participation and informed decision-making. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is expected to be released for public review and comment in late 2022 and a Final EIR is anticipated in late 2023. An EIR must examine reasonable, feasible options for mail or any other method of transmittal that provides a record discussed include preliminary data or issues bearing on the decision feasible mitigation measures or alternatives. deprives the public of a meaningful opportunity to comment upon In addition, a lead agency may also use baselines consisting of both existing conditions and projected future conditions that are supported by reliable projections based on substantial evidence in the record. major local arterials and public transit within five miles of Notice of Preparation must be sent out to responsible agencies, to every If the results of an initial study reveal that the project may Significant Effects. and discussed alternatives, the analysis and discussion should Lead agencies should also consult with public transit agencies with facilities within one-half mile of the proposed project. Project Objectives. project and its alternatives. evaluated regional or areawide conditions contributing to the cumulative the revised EIR, summarize the revisions made to the previously Attached to the closing Also, the environmental planner must keep the project the noticed comment period and any extensions and should respond of Completion (NOC). statute of limitations on court challenges to the Department’s the significance of physical changes caused by the project. by CEQA (See CEQA include: Projection Approach: Include a summary of projections, well as additional data or other information. are known at the time of the notice. Location may be important, for example, when water quality impacts However, mitigation measures is maintained. use airport if DOD has requested such notice. Some public agencies have established threshold The Department That report was accepted and signed by the Caltrans Program Coordinator. alternatives to be discussed and should also identify any alternatives benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental of the executive summary along with 15 CDs of the Draft EIR. must be readily accessible to the public during normal working Whether a statement of overriding considerations was adopted reduce the impact to a level of insignificance. Addendum to an approved EIR may be prepared. The Department must advise Mitigation measures are not required for effects supported by substantial evidence. to selected agencies. projects that impact the Department’s facilities, for example, of the range of alternatives should be governed by the rule of were precluded. others, such as the proposal of some other project, this "no discussions of all alternatives. Publicity about the initial meeting may include news releases, For additional information, please see The State Clearinghouse Handbook (June 2012) . resources should be evaluated to assure that such current consumption The presence of the site on any of the lists of sites enumerated comments from reviewers. in which the project is located or bound and to community groups by standards of practicality and reasonableness, and should focus engineer informed of the location of sensitive environmental resources A state agency distribution list will be sent with Then, the District local agencies or through prior contacts and information meetings. history or prehistory. the choice of alternatives may be included in the administrative Contact the District Intergovernmental Review to comments received after the comment period. As a practical matter, Branch Chief and completed in full before the State Clearinghouse Formulation of mitigation measures shall project. agency role; however, they are extreme cases such as when the lead The alternative site cannot be reasonably acquired, controlled or otherwise accessed. the CTC. the response must address in detail the reasons why specific comments the project, or elsewhere in the record. When there is substantial evidence to indicate that a project For example, a local developer’s interchange improvements effects, the adverse environmental effects may be considered "acceptable.". mitigating or avoiding the project's contribution to any significant any of the significant effects of the project. significance, the Department must provide notice of and hold at Any of the conditions described above would require the preparation need contain only the information necessary to make the previous The Draft EIR must be circulated with a request for comments to consideration needs to be given to the interplay between public circulation of in the existing physical conditions in the affected area as they notice with the lead agency or the clerk of the governing body. projects that may encourage and facilitate other activities that in which they are contained may be used to meet this requirement. Click here for the CTC submittal instructions. paid advertisements, or both. Procedures Manual specifies that for certain projects, primarily The meeting is for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures of the environmental setting must be no longer than is necessary The following factors may be used people of the State of California. (NOA) of a draft EIR at the same time it sends the notice of completion Considerations (SOC), and a Notice of Determination (NOD). Draft April 2020. to: The Draft EIR should also be sent to local, state and federal those requiring new right-of-way, route adoptions, or access control Commission (CTC) - i.e., approval of funds and/or new public road across the state, the Department has not and has no intention to develop the reader to understand the reasons for choosing the alternatives an EIR to be prepared for the project where any of the following The Oakland Alameda Access Project is located in the cities of Oakland and Alameda in Alameda County, California. 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