The fish appears to qualify as the new state and world record. Follow on Instagram @cottonmouthbass. Dr. Bryan Townsend of Austin was fly-fishing with guide Shea McClanahan on Saturday, February 1, when he landed the largest specimen of the state fish of Texas reported caught. Dr. Bryan Townsend of Austin was fly-fishing with guide Shea McClanahan on Saturday, February 1, when he landed the largest specimen of the state fish of Texas reported caught. ATHENS-A 3.71-pound, 17-inch Guadalupe Bass caught from the Colorado River below Austin appears to qualify as a new state and world record in several categories. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) … This video is unavailable. A 3.71-pound, 17-inch Guadalupe Bass caught from the Colorado River below Austin appears to qualify as a new state and world record in several categories. Watch Queue Queue — A 3.71-pound, 17-inch Guadalupe Bass caught from the Colorado River below Austin appears to qualify as a new state and world record in several categories. Return of the Guadalupe Bass - … Dr. Bryan Townsend of Austin caught this 3.71-pound, 17-inch Guadalupe bass from the Colorado River below Austin February 1. 25:04. ATHENS, TEX. StokedOnFishing 5,629,065 views. Dr. … Guadalupe Bass- Restoring a State Treasure Texas Parks and Wildlife ... World Record Bass | Part 1 - Duration: 25:04. A 3.71-pound, 17-inch Guadalupe Bass caught from the Colorado River below Austin appears to qualify as a new state and world record in several categories. Dr. Bryan Townsend of Austin was fly-fishing with guide Shea McClanahan on Saturday, February 1, when he landed the largest specimen of the state fish of Texas reported caught.
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