According to the New Cartesian Sign Convention for mirrors what sign has been given to the focal length of: a concave mirror? Sign convention for reflection by spherical mirrors Reflection of light by spherical mirrors follow a set of sign conventions called the New Cartesian Sign Convention. In this convention, the pole (P) of the mirror is taken as the origin. The difference is that the distances are measured from the optical centre. That is why U is always taken as negative. See according to the New Cartesian Sign convention U i.e., the object distance is always in the left hand side of the lens or mirror i.e., to -X side. The new Cartesian sign convention is same as that for spherical mirrors. According to the sign convention, the focal length of a convex lens is positive and that of a concave lens is negative. List the new Cartesian sign convention for reflection of light by spherical mirror. As per new Cartesian sign convention, the focal length of a concave mirroras well as a concave lens is taken to be negative. True/False - 26435063 For focal length, f in lens is always taken as negative for concave and positive for convex. 10.01 Reflection of Light; 10.02 Spherical Mirrors; 10.03 Guide to Image formation in spherical mirrors; 10.04 Image formation by concave mirror; 10.05 New Cartesian Sign Convention, Mirror … both convex and concave lens): According to this sign convention: (i) All distances are measured from the optical centre of … asked Aug 1, 2019 in Class X Science by muskan15 ( … Since, the centre of curvature and focus lie in front of the concave mirror, sosigns of radius of curvature and focal length are taken as negative in the case of concave mirror.This sign convention is known as New Cartesian Sign Convention. New Cartesian sign convention for refraction of light through spherical lenses (i.e. Mirror formula. This makes it necessary to have a sign convention so that we distinguish between the two cases and obtain the correct … For measuring the various distances in the ray diagrams of reflection by spherical mirrors, we shall adopt the following system of signs called new cartesian sign conventions. All the distances in a ray diagram of reflection by spherical mirrors are measured from the pole of the spherical mirror. Sign is taken as – (negative) from pole of a spherical mirror towards object along the principal axis. Sign convention for spherical lenses. The principal axis of the mirror is taken as the x-axis (X'X) of the coordinate system. Sign convention It is shown in more advanced textbooks that, for both concave and convex mirrors, We have already seen that an image is formed sometimes in front of a curved and sometimes behind it. According to New Cartesian Sign Convention: (a) focal length of concave mirror is positive and that of convex mirror is negative (b) focal length of both concave and convex mirrors is positive (c) focal length of both concave and convex mirrors is negative (d) focal length of concave mirror is negative and that of convex mirror is positive Draw a diagram and apply these conventions for calculating the focal length and nature of spherical mirror which forms a 1/3 times magnified virtual image of an object placed 18 cm in front of it.
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