Frail and sickly in his youth, he was educated by a Buddhist monk and at the age o [7], Following his death, the Hòa Hảo's political and military power diminished as the various commanders began infighting without a centralised leadership structure and without a leader ; it became basically a network of war lords, the most famous being Trần Văn Soái, named a "one-star General" by the French (a rank which does not exist in the French Army, so Văn Soái added a second one on his képi), and Ba Cụt. The Việt Minh were worried by Sổ's nationalist credentials and social structure, and attempted to co-opt him into a National Unified Front. His key supporters were sent to a concentration camp in Nui Bara. Virtuous [Sect] Founder (ie Patriach) Huynh), was the founder of the Hòa Hảo religious tradition. Thư tịch đương thời còn ghi Huỳnh Phú Sổ được gọi là Ông đạo Xẻn. Sổ was caught and executed in April 1947 . "Virtuous Master") or Đức Huỳnh Giáo Chủ (lit. Huỳnh Phú Sổ (1920–1947), yang lebih dikenal sebagai Phật thầy ("Master Buddha" dalam bahasa Vietnam), adalah pendiri tradisi keagamaan Hòa Hảo. He attempted to win supporters by cutting down on ceremonies and complex doctrines, eschewing the use of temples. Theo các tài liệu của tôn giáo này, ông được các tín đồ gọi là "Đức Thầy", "Đức Huỳnh Giáo chủ" hay "Đức Tôn Sư". Après de violents affrontements armés, les communistes l'arrêtent et l'exécutent le 17 mars 1947[2]. He predicted that politics would be the cause of his premature death. "[3] He was exiled upon his release to the coastal town of Bạc Liêu in the far south. Foto Huỳnh Phú Sổ yang diperjelas secara digital. [3], Fearing anti-French demonstrations and revolts would occur as a result of Sổ's following, Vichy French governor Jean Decoux decided to act. Sources. Sổ entered politics openly by creating the Viet Nam Democratic Socialist Party, known as the Dân Xã. An Giang, Cochinchina. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 11 mars 2020 à 09:00. ), and an anti-French, anticommunist military and political activist. Thaumaturge, il va de village en village, prône le renoncement aux choses matérielles au profit du spirituel, critique les bonzes traditionnels pour leur corruption et leur train de vie, prophétise la venue de temps difficiles pour tous que seul la foi pourra épargner. [3], The cult must stem much more from internal faith than from a pompous appearance. Huỳnh Phú Sổ. Trong một lần lên núi Sam (thuộc Bảy Núi, An Gi… Huỳnh Phú Sổ , popularly known as Đức Thầy (lit. - Phó chủ tịch: Vũ Tam Anh. [citation needed]. Les Japonais au contraire, lors de leur occupation de l'Indochine, le soutiennent. Huỳnh Phú Sổ critique aussi le colonialisme et participe à la montée du nationalisme vietnamien. Pour des raisons politiques et philosophiques évidentes, il s'oppose au Việt Minh communiste. - Thư ký: Mai Thọ Trân. He was considered a mystic, much like rasputin himself. [6], As the Hòa Hảo began battling the French, they also came into conflict with other military organizations such as the Việt Minh and Cao Đài who were also fighting the French. Se proclamant continuateur du Bouddha, il commence à prêcher dans la région. Tác giả: Pascal Bourdeaux | Biên dịch: Đặng Thế Đại Từ lâu nay người ta đã biết và nhất trí với nhau rằng Huỳnh Phú Sổ thành lập Phật giáo Hòa Hảo vào ngày 18-5 năm Kỷ Mão (1939) ở quê hương ông – làng Hòa Hảo nay là làng Phú Mỹ, huyện Phú Tân, tỉnh An Giang. A digitally remastered photo of Huỳnh Phú Sổ Born in the village of Hòa Hảo, near Châu Đốc , Vietnam , French Indochina in 1920, Sổ was the son of a moderately wealthy peasant. Il naît dans le petit village de Hòa Hảo, dans les environs de Châu Dôc dans la Province d'An Giang située alors en Cochinchine française. Huỳnh, Phú Sỏ̂, d. 1947. The witnesses to this miracle, deeply impressed by the strange scene, became his first converts. Unlike Gautama Buddha, Sổ was Vietnamese. On 9 September 1945, a confrontation arose when a band of 15,000 Hòa Hảo, armed with hand-to-hand weapons, attacked the Việt Minh garrison at Cần Thơ. A digitally remastered photo of Huỳnh Phú Sổ. To avenge the murder of So, the Hòa Hảo joined the French in their fight against the Việt Minh, with numerous betrayals and re-rallyings (5 by Ba Cụt, who was eventually guillotined). He recruited tens of thousands of converts to his movement who followed him around in his travels. Profitant de l'effondrement français et du départ japonais, le Hòa Hảo contrôle des zones entières. Virtuous [Sect] Founder (ie Patriach) Huynh), was the founder of the Hòa Hảo religious tradition. His body was dissected into many small pieces and scattered so that his followers could not gather them and turn it into an object of veneration or as a shrine. found: Hue, T.H.T. Born January 15, 1920. Huynh Phu So, Vietnamese philosopher, Buddhist reformer, and founder (1939) of the religion Phat Giao Hoa Hao, more simply known as Hoa Hao (q.v. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Millenarianism and peasant politics in Vietnam, 1983 (subj.) Bài Tình Yêu, gồm ba khổ, mỗi khổ 4 câu, mỗi câu 7 chữ, theo thể thơ hiện đại, được tác giả sáng tác tại miền Đông Nam Bộ, năm 1946. The Japanese intercepted the transfer of Sổ with the help of some Hòa Hảo followers and brought him back to Saigon. Malgré des détracteurs qui le surnomment « le bonze fou », il rencontre un succès rapide[1]. The French restrictions strengthened his nationalist appeal, and Bạc Liêu soon became a place of Hòa Hảo pilgrimage, although it was far from the movement's strongholds. A digitally remastered photo of Huỳnh Phú Sổ. It was dissolved in July 1946 after it was apparent that Sổ would not follow the Việt Minh. On le surnomme « le bonze fou » à Saïgon. After some training, Sổ made his mark during a stormy night in May 1939, having returned to his village after his master's death. "Virtuous Master") or Đức Huỳnh Giáo Chủ (lit. They exiled him to Laos. A board of French psychiatrists declared him sane in May 1941, reporting that he was "a little maniacal, very ignorant even in Buddhist practices, but a big talker. In August, Sổ was detained in the psychiatric hospital at Chợ Quán hospital near Saigon under the reasoning that he was a lunatic. Born in the village of Hòa Hảo, near Châu Đốc, Vietnam, French Indochina, in 1920, Sổ was the son of a moderately wealthy peasant. * Đức Huỳnh Giáo Chủ: 1920 - 1947 * Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo: 1939 - ~ * Đức Giáo Chủ khai sáng đạo lúc 19 tuổi Đức Giáo Chủ Huỳnh Phú Sổ, người sáng lập ra Đạo Phật Giáo Hòa Hảo, sinh vào ngày 25 tháng 11 năm Kỷ Mùi, nhằm ngày 15 tháng giêng năm 1920 tại làng Hòa Hảo, quận Tân Châu, tỉnh Châu Đốc (nay là … Huỳnh, Phú Sỏ̂, d. 1947 Sources found : Hue, T.H.T. Envoyé adolescent étudier dans une pagode du Mont Sam, il y connaît transe et choc mystique puis déclare avoir vécu une illumination. En 1939, il écrit quatre courts volumes connus sous le nom « d'oracles » dans un style poétique simple et accessible déroulant la base de sa doctrine[3]. [1] While in an agitated state, Sổ appeared to have suddenly been cured of his illnesses[2] and started to propound his religious teachings, which were based on Buddhism, on the spot. Après sa mort, ses parents les vénérables Huynh Công et Lê Thi Nhâm reprennent la direction spirituelle du mouvement tandis que la partie politique et militaire revient à Trân Van Soai, le « général Nam Lua » qui se rallie aux Français en échange du grade de général de brigade et d'une reconnaisse officielle du mouvement[1]. [4] He avoided accusations of being a Japanese collaborator by predicting their demise, but his contacts with them allowed his supporters to gain weapons. Religion : Huynh Công et Lê Thi Nh6âm Politique :ỳnh_Phú_Sổ&oldid=168315717, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Religions et croyances, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. He won over followers by offering free consultations and performing purported miracle cures with simple herbs and acupuncture, and preaching at street corners and canal intersections. He was a brave child, so his father sent him to Núi Cấm in the Seven Mountains to learn from a hermit who was both a mystic and a healer. - Chủ tịch: Hoàng Anh (bí danh của Đức Thầy Huỳnh Phú Sổ). Sa religion survit à sa mort et compterait aujourd'hui plusieurs millions d'adeptes[3]. [5], The southern Việt Minh leader, Nguyễn Bình, realising that Sổ would not subordinate himself to the Việt Minh, set up a trap. Thuở nhỏ ông thông minh, học hết bằng sơ học yếu lược Pháp - Việt nhưng hay bị đau ốm nên đành bỏ dở việc học. Sổ's brother and the brother of his commander Soái were captured and executed. L'administration coloniale se méfie de lui : elle craint une éventuelle agitation sociale menée par un fou ou un imposteur. As his movement became politicised, it began to attract aspiring politicians, with the likes of Huynh Cong Bo, a prominent landowner, and its future military commanders, Trần Văn Soái and Lâm Thành Nguyên. Nguyen claimed that Sổ had cured him from illness. Millenarianism and peasant politics in Vietnam, 1983 (subj.) Religion : Huynh Công et Lê Thi Nh6âm Politique : Trân Van Soai. (Huỳnh Phú Sỏ̂; assassinated by the Viet Minh in 1947) CIP pref. Huỳnh Phú Sổ sinh ngày 15 tháng 1 năm 1920, nhằm ngày 25 tháng 11 năm Kỷ Mùi tại làng Hoà Hảo, quận Tân Châu, tỉnh Châu Đốc, (nay thuộc thị trấn Phú Mỹ, huyện Phú Tân, tỉnh An Giang); con của ông Hương Cả (người đứng đầu trong làng) Huỳnh Công Bộ và bà Lê Thị Nhậm. Plagued in his youth by illness, he was a mediocre student and graduated from high school only because of his father's influence. Huỳnh Phú Sổ (1920-1947) est le fondateur du Phât Giao Hòa Hảo, religion bouddhiste vietnamienne. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Nguyên do sáng tác: Một thiếu nữ ở Sài Gòn thầm yêu Huỳnh Phú Sổ trong khi ông còn đang ẩn lánh thực dân Pháp và Việt Minh. The return of French forces helped to keep the Hòa Hảo and the Việt Minh apart, but the Hòa Hảo periodically sought vengeance on the Việt Minh by tying sympathisers together and throwing them into the river to drown. [3], In 1942, the French could no longer withstand the growing popular reactions generated by Sổ's oracular pronouncements and political instructions. "[1], His simplified teachings were designed to appeal primarily to the poor and the peasants. It is better to pray with a pure heart before the family altar than to perform gaudy ceremonies in a pagoda, clad in the robes of an unworthy bonze. This defiant move made him a target of the Việt Minh as relations deteriorated. (Huỳnh Phú Sỏ̂; assassinated by the Viet Minh in 1947) found: His Biography and teachings of Huynh-Phu-So, 1983: p. 5 (Huynh-Phu-So; b. Biết được mối tình thầm kín kia, ông bèn viết bài thơ này để tỏ chí của mình và cũng để cảnh tỉnh cô gái ấy. His prediction of a Japanese invasion prompted many rice farmers to desert their farms en masse and flee to the hills. [1] He quickly built up a following in the southern Mekong Delta and was looked to by his disciples for guidance in their daily lifestyles. 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