But for the larva mage, it can also be the “C’m’ere, you!” spell. Since the damage is taken after the hulk is teleported that means the star spawn can teleport the hulk anywhere they want in the battlefield. Second, Feed on Weakness, which gives it 10 temporary hp every time a creature within 20 feet of it fails a saving throw. Saving Throws Str +16, Con +13, Int +12, Wis +13, Cha +12, Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned, prone, Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16. Mentally, I’d noted that it didn’t have any meaningful impact on the hulk’s own tactics—but having noted that to myself, I forgot to say so. Is it worthwhile, though? Constructs, star spawn, and undead are immune to this effect. Only if Reaping Arms is on cooldown, and only if the damage is broadcast to seven or more enemies (the minimum necessary to exceed the damage that both hulks could do with separate Multiattacks), which isn’t likely ever to occur. Then again, the presence of star spawn grues—whose Aura of Madness imposes disadvantage on all saving throws—can make this feature nearly impossible for anyone to resist. Damage Immunities cold, poison I’d like to know exactly where Envyus saw it “stated to be a mistake.”, Your email address will not be published. Use the stat blocks of these foul fowl with the Pigeon Tactics on this blog! New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. A star-spawn of Cthulhu is overwhelming in its power and alien structure. For instance, it can move to a location where it will be surrounded by enemies, bait out an attack—then use Bend Space to swap places with a star spawn hulk, which can then use Reaping Arms on its own turn. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Keith’s book grounds villains in specificity, motivation, and tactics—so much so that players will love to hate ’em. If it needs to top itself up a bit, it just falls back on a Slam attack and makes its opponent save versus poison. In other words, spellcasters and other enemies whose powers require Constitution saves are among the things the seer considers meaningful threats. This is a frightening loophole that cries out for an erratum. Languages Aklo; telepathy 120 ft In what is a book filled with terrifying cosmically powerful creatures I find this one to be the most threatening for its CR. If it were a PC, this would be a typical contour for a support spellcaster, so we’re going to look for ways it can enhance the abilities of creatures (especially other star spawn) fighting alongside it. share. It has titanic claws, bat-like wings, and a massive, corpulent form. And because of the hulk’s damage reflection it means that the attack will do double damage if used on the hulk. In the meantime, Jeremy Crawford has apparently ruled that since multiple simultaneous uses of the same feature don’t stack, other creatures in range of Psychic Mirror don’t take the reflected damage more than once, although any additional hulk can cause the amplifying effect to reach farther.
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