For those seeking an alternative to the traditional approach, it seems to me to be of great interest. This service is more advanced with JavaScript available, Part of the The book is definitely an analysis text, rather than a history, but a great deal of reliable historical material is included. %�L�����5`���A����D4�4��!�-��n .�h��ʛ�+�FO����;�yw|C�r�Yo��]���ps^���ɹ���φ�W8r�[�4�|g*�a��~���`OU7m3ģcJMr�S�!Y�f����&��s"�"E�?Wý=Bcw}���cXp����������e�v�!����p���EL�5e115xg�X�p�=16$���J�!T��_��z���U�O0�X�Čn�����Cl4�Ȫ�5���-��+\_�U��cσ��.L
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^W�Tc�#� @���]���~צ#���\�`���5�P�BrX���U������֡)b$�;��M� H��k �X���N� Part of Springer Nature. The authors include a large number of once-traditional subjects which have now vanished from the analysis curriculum, at least in the standard American courses. `9������bϼ������Ē�=ǜ� ��b����Ԣ2� ĥ that departed from the traditional dry-as-dust mathematics textbook. - John Troutman, American Mathematical Monthly, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. H�d��n�@E��^�E{^�HU�>�kE$�UJS� The work is very well illustrated. (M. Kline, from the Preface to the paperback edition of Kline 1972) Also for this reason, I have taken the trouble to make a great number of drawings. ?����G��#��(�~? book series The first two chapters show how the ancient calculations of practical problems led to infinite series, differential and integral calculus and to differential equations. ���t����8�a�~ t��
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