But the filmmaker does throw in a few original notions, especially as to the theological whys fueling this alien civilization’s frequent visits to Earth, this bit of nonsense adding a borderline supernatural element that’s at least somewhat intriguing. And, the fact that it really seemed to tap into that ever-so-popular ’80s era nostalgia that the latest sci-fi projects have been tapping into, I was 110% invested in the film. PROXIMITY will be available on VOD on May 15, 2020. This was my initial feeling going into the sci-fi thriller, PROXIMITY. While the two halves don’t necessarily flow together smoothly, with the switch occurring rather abruptly via an edit, you’ll be quickly won over with what becomes a highly entertaining nostalgia-tinged adventure. An OK Beginning, Mediocre Middle, Garbage Ending. Writer-director Eric Demeusy’s CV includes contributions to an eclectic collection of titles, including Game of Thrones, Stranger Things and a bunch of seemingly self-made shorts (Bear of Bad News is a promising title at least). The photography is fine, the dialogue is above average, the acting solid. Movie Review – Proximity (2020) August 18, 2020 by Graeme Robertson. While it’s hardly the most original plot, the film attempts to update to this familiar premise for the social media age in which these kinds of stories of alien abduction, even when presented with evidence, is met with derision and mockery by the cynical sceptics lurking in the comments section or cable news. I really enjoyed this movie. I think what throws people off of this is some of the "cheese" lines that come in. Sarah is the managing editor of Nightmarish Conjurings and a lover of all things magical and horrific. I do agree that could have been written a bit different. All rights reserved. Again, the most important 10 minutes of First Contact dialogue at the end of the film was over shadowed by annoying and unnecessary music making it difficult to hear the dialogue...Why do movie producers insist on doing that these days!....Dialogue or music not both and certainly not at the same time! Rapid-fire visions of historical events before an almost angelic figure glows and floats above an unsuspecting throng of people. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy However putting that aside it is definitely one of our new favorites. Proximity (2020) Movie – Review And Summary. Uneven alien thriller doesn't fulfill early potential. Unfortunately, despite the stellar visuals and consistently decent score, the film’s hodgepodge plot and mostly lackluster acting make it sink rather than soar. Don't have an account? Have you seen the black circle around the green of her eyes? Eric Demeusy comes from a background as a visual effects technician working on films like TRON: Legacy and Pacific Rim. And, while solid performances can uplift even the most paint-by-numbers script, the performances in this film could not assist in making the film more palatable for this particular sci-fi fan. It all feels like some esoteric hodgepodge of ideas culled from a variety of different cinematic sources, most notably Close Encounters of the Third Kind, THX-1138, Communion, Fire in the Sky, TRON: Legacy and The Signal. really!!! And I did not mind the soundtrack, tried to Shazam some of the last song, but nothing come up. It's different. [Movie Review] PROXIMITY. Even when we discover the character’s motivation for his actions in the last twenty minutes of the film, it feels cheap and tacked on with no payoff. However, it is clear to me that the director and writer Eric Demeusy has a special place in his heart for that particular era of sci-fi. The budget was there the CGI and locations were there and everything about this film said quality but apart from some dodgy acting moments something just didn't click or gel. His characters are undeveloped and the scenario often feels more like the fever-dream of an excited 13-year-old kid who has no idea how to edit his ideas into a coherent or cohesive whole. See All Audience Reviews Proximity Quotes. To clarify, the styling of the film, the cinematography, and the like, felt very much pulled from the era of films like E.T. Thoughtful, serious-minded and filled with visual delights; sci-fi fans of all ages should have a blast. The supporting turns from Christian Prentice, Highdee Kuan, Shaw Jones and Don Scriber are also excellent, although I admit I would have liked to see them developed a bit more. While out on a weekend jaunt into the California countryside to record a video journal for his therapist, the young scientist is a firsthand witness to what initially appears to be a meteor crashing into the side of a hill. Then turns into a shove religion down your throat movie with aliens now looking for jesus. Sign up here. She's surely got some of the most astonishing eyes. Worse, thanks to Demeusy’s seeming insistence to sub out composer Jermaine Stegall’s rather terrific score with a flurry of pop songs (written and performed by Radio Wolf and Parallels) whenever and wherever possible, the film oddly transforms into a music video at often the most boneheaded moments. © 1999 - 2020 MovieFreak.com. It’s just a matter of finessing the plot, focusing on building high-stakes tension in performances, and feeling comfortable stepping outside of the box. (Full Content Review for Parents Also Available). 2 comments. This dorky, silly sci-fi feature offers a weird blend of high-grade craftsmanship (especially from the visual effects, cinematography and music departments), and guileless ineptitude, especially in the crucial realms of screenwriting, acting and editing. Eric Demeusy comes from a background as a visual effects technician working on films like TRON: Legacy and Pacific Rim. I finally signed up to IMDB just to review this. This low-budget tale of alien abduction is an in-and-out impressive calling card for debuting feature writer and director Eric Demeusy. What's going on with the soundtrack in this movie! It makes absolutely no sense, but it's riveting at the same time. It is … Demeusy is talented, and while his debut isn't all that fresh or original, the filmmaker's presentation of the material is still notably impressive. • Proximity is available on digital platforms from 18 May. FactorySometimes you really just want a film to do well. (He works for a Nasa offshoot.) These are the movies I've watched released in 2020… While the film takes place during the modern time, between the styling of some of the characters’ clothes to the usage of record players and synth beats peppered throughout the score, it’s hard not to think that this could easily take place during the ’80s. This is the Latest Movie proximity. Contact us at staff@moviefreak.com. From the beginning, I knew that I was right in thinking that PROXIMITY was going to really tap into that nostalgic factor so reminiscent of recent sci-fi oriented projects like Netflix’s “The Stranger Things“. Here are the thoughts I wrote down while watching this movie. People go on line but don't exhibit any normal behaviour of modern kids. I wonder to myself, who funds this stuff. It is Released on 15 May. This is a perfect example of a writer with a novel idea that just gives up on being creative and goes straight to cliques and over the top rubbish. who gets the look right but slips up on bringing depth to the script and getting past his Spielberg fixation. and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Quite unexpected ending, that many will dislike. I finally signed up to IMDB just to review this. Share. It's a pretty solid, straightforward chase scenario and, as much as you tell yourself that it's dumb, it keeps its grip on you. Great film. This movie literally has everything, and that is the problem. All who are familiar with her can attest for her love of glitter, adorable plush, and obsession with folklore and mythology. The acting was stale and boring - probably from the lack of direction by Demeusy. | Design and implementation by SOKUMEDIA.COM. Good Premise & Start. With an engaging story, a likeable cast, incredible music and thrilling special effects, Proximity, despite some narrative hiccups, is an intoxicating nostalgia fulled adventure. Writing, again was lazy and dumb. Directed by Eric Demeusy.Starring Ryan Masson, Highdee Kuan, Christian Prentice, Shaw Jones and Don Scribner. All rights reserved. A guy who says he writes a blog, gives a business card that has no email address or URL . Someone clearly ponied up money for the lush orchestrations on the soundtrack and the Costa Rica locations, funds that might have been better allotted to a script doctor. Sarah is the managing editor of Nightmarish Conjurings and a lover of all things magical and horrific. There’s care taken in the visuals that shows the potential in his vision.
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