(2000) Family: Begoniaceae ***Note: This plant is shipped in a 3.5 – 4 inch pot. Their smallish blooms aren’t showy, but their silvery, purple, reddish or … The leaves of the rex begonia plant may be smooth or bumpy, come in numerous shapes, and are streaked with colors such as white, yellow, pink or purple. tall, allow getting slightly dry between watering. Give them good humidity and even water. Care of begonias indoors starts with proper location. Begonia Care Tips and Varieties You Should Try The Dirt Begonia Care Tips and Varieties You Should Try. If you love foliage plants, you’ll like these begonias, which produce big, multicolored leaves. 45 to 90 degrees,12 to 14in. One of the tips for growing begonia as houseplants is to place them somewhere where they will get bright, indirect light and will get plenty of humidity. They can take less light than other begonias and even perform well under fluorescents. Care of Begonia ‘Purple Curl’ Shade to partial shade, temp. There are numerous varieties of rex begonias available, but care and maintenance is the same for all types. These hardy plants have blooms and leaves with varying colors, textures, and sizes, making them work in any garden setting. By purchasing this plant, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this sale. Begonias are a crowd favorite, and for good reason.
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