Ken: Then save the next little boy. We got something to take care of first. 00:56:19 Mr. I mean, half the time I don't even speak to them ever again. It’s a distinctive theme, suitable for both the story and its medieval setting. It's not really his thing. Vanessa: He's just a little bee, and he happens to be the nicest I've met in a long time! English man! And that’s the set-up for one the better crime stories of the decade. Barry grabs the Emory board and uses it to surf, grabs Ken by the ear and drags him to the hallway, overweight man attempts to chase Ray around but quickly grows tired, the overweight women calm down the overweight man, standing up to leave and picking up his coat, crumples the money and throws it at Harry's head, Ken walks up the tower while Harry proceeds to beat the ticket seller, Ray runs off and watches Jimmy being instructed by the director, who Jimmy flicks off as soon as he leaves, upon reaching the top of the tower and overlooking the city, Ken drives at Otto with a steamroller. Tip, in the favor of culture. Colleagues... this brother has just been released. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. This page was last edited on 3 March 2020, at 19:52. Isn't that what the Vietnamese used to say? I mean basically if you're robbing a man and you're only carrying blanks and you allow your gun to be taken off you and you allow yourself to be shot in the eye with a blank which I assume that the person has to get quite close to you then, yeah really it's all your fault for being such a poof, so why don't you stop wingeing and cheer the fuck up. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. [flushes toilet. Ken: [Harry shoots Ken in the leg] Fucking cunt! Otto: We could have a lot of fun together, you and I. Ha ha! No, no, no! How's that fair? Ray: [Absolutely stunned] In BRUGES? You're a cunt now, and you've always been a cunt. There's an instruction manual! As I said earlier, I’d never even heard of the place before this. Gleeson is quite good as well, and their chemistry together is excellent. Ken: Barbie, come with me! What are you talking about? Ken quite likes the place, and relishes the opportunity to do some sight-seeing. Ken: Because it's my tape and rope bag. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? It's what I do. Understand? Harry: [about Ray] So he's having a really nice time? Otto: [to Ken about Mrs Coady] What does he want you to do? Don't go near him! Do you see how many girls I meet every day? You need exams. It's not you - you're beautiful. Colonel Guile: Ever think of, uh, enlisting? And I realized, fuck man, maybe that's what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in fuckin' Bruges. HA HA HA! Create a free website or blog at Ray: What? Andy: [guiding Ken protectively] Let it go, Kenny. The bullets that make the head explode? In Bruges (2008) - Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. So, you've insulted my home town. No way. Ken: Uh, folks, if you'll just want to step right this way... Lotso: Come on, Ken, recess don't last forever. Ken: But technically, someone's bare hands, they can kill you too. Johanna Parry: If you and Edith weren't so good at writing letters... Ken: Uh, we ate already. Ray: Well, it's still a shithole. Go ahead, rip 'em! Ken: You didn't mean to kill a little boy. In a room like this? [overweight man attempts to chase Ray around but quickly grows tired], [the overweight women calm down the overweight man]. Ray: I'm not being funny. Ken: It's said to contain some drops of Jesus Christ's blood. Mr. He's mine! I'll tell you what I'm gonna do for you. "I'm sorry I called you an inanimate object. Harry: What do you mean it's not really his thing? Ray: What? Marion: There was a time that we were dying to be together. Ken: Just keep movin'. I was trying to rob him. I'm suicidal, me mate tries to kill me, me gun gets nicked and we're still in fookin' Bruges! Ken: Long time? Wanda: I'm sorry about my brother, Ken. [Just after Johanna walks in on Ken taking Mr. McCauley's medication from the bathroom medicine cabinet]. I want a In Bruges. I understand how you feel. Ken: Harry, let's face it. Ray: Oh, my God... you were gonna kill me. A great day this has turned out to be. I would never hit a woman, Chloë. It's got a disco, it's got a dune buggy, and a whole room just for trying on clothes. Ray: What? (WARNING: CLIP CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS). Of course you don't have to. It was just as awesome, if not better than the last 8 times I'd seen it. Yeah. He's dead because of me. You see, I have also been in prison before. I'm gonna walk you up to your door. This is a troubled young man who has done a terrible thing — terrible even by hitman standards. And I think we'd be really good for each other. They HANG people for shit like this right, Ken: Let's take him back to shore, that's where he came from that's where he fucking well stays. â? Ray: What am I gonna do, Ken? Ken: No way, it's supposed to be open until seven. Ray: Of course there hasn’t, it’s a shit-hole. I'm also making the assumption that the ladies at work have warned you against me. I'm only asking cause he's a cheapskate and I wouldn't want him ripping you off. Yeah, I know you know it's a train. I'm gonna go, and, uh, I'm gonna ask you if I can call you later in the week. I can hardly do English. I like it! Could we reserve judgement on Bruges until we've seen the fucking place? Europe, though. Harry: An UZI? I will have always have killed that little boy. The little ones love new toys. Again like Tarantino, McDonagh makes masterful use of music. Ha, I'm not from South Central Los fucking Angeles. Marco: [on the inscription] Forever! There's never been a classic movie made in Bruges until now. Mark: There's no privacy left. The midget is a dwarf. All Rights Reserved. Somehow, through a hilariously awkward Meet Cute, she takes a shine to him. Like Pulp Fiction, this is a story of redemption, with plenty of religious subtext.
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