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(b) Rate of disintegration is not affected by the external conditions like temperature and pressure etc. They are due one week after the date they are posted. Value of Q in this reaction is 200.4443 MeV. Beta decay:- It is the process in which a parent nucleus decays into the daughter nucleus by ejecting an electron. Therefore, radioactive decay constant is defined as the reciprocal of time in which the number of atoms of radioactive sample is reduced to N, Radioactivity of a substance is said to be 1 Rutherford if its atoms disintegrate at the rate of 10. Lecture Photos 1961-62. Here λ is the wavelength of electron and d is distance between the planes. (b) Saturation current is independent of frequency. Tav = sum of lives of all atoms / total number of atoms. K�"xPd�>JpaPDl�JpA'aQT��U����FE�V�:���)"
% ���`����Cq+��� 3��3}�s�ݾ����} �� 6����. Physics 107: Ideas of Modern Physics . Lorentz transformations. Here W2 is the energy of electron in lower orbit and W1 is the energy of electron in higher orbit. Emission of α- particle results in a decrease in its atomic number by 2 and a decrease in its atomic weight by 4. H�l�yTSW��{/$! Pay Now |
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(b) Law of conservation of number of nucleons. %PDF-1.3
Classification of nuclear reaction:- Nuclear reaction can be classified into following categories. 0000006411 00000 n
Emission of γ- rays results neither in a change of atomic number nor in a change of atomic weight. The lecture notes constitute the main reference for the Modern Physics part of the course. Average life (Tav):- Arithmetic mean of the lives of all the atoms is known as mean life or average life of the radioactive substance. (c) Current is reduced to zero for some negative potential of collector indicating that there is some upper limit to the energy of electrons emitted. Old Dominion University. University. Course. Here n is an integer and h is the Planck’s constant. Galilean Relativity. Contact Us |
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Gausstheorem. This note covers the following topics: Quantum Revolution, The Photoelectric Effect, Energy Conservation, Atomic Energy Levels From Spectra, Hydrogen Energy Level Spectrum, Investigating Electrons, Two Slits With Waves, The Planetary Model Of The Atom, The Quantum Picture Of The Atom, Nuclear Physics, The Strong Nuclear Force, Nuclear Decay, Beta … (b) For a particular element (Z= constant), orbital velocity of the electron varies inversely as the order of the orbit. Join Our Performance Improvement Batch. Heavy water and carbon rods can be used as moderators. trailer
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PHYS 222 Lecture15.Gausstheorem. For hydrogen atom, Z = 1, R = RH = k2 (2π2 me4/ch3). Potential energy:- It is the energypossessed by the electronby virtue of its position near the nucleus. is the energy of electron in lower orbit and W. is the energy of electron in higher orbit. 611 pages of flp lecture notes. (e) Each of the product disintegration is a new element having physical and chemical properties different from those of the parent atom. Register yourself for the free demo class from
Special Relativity. ?A fusion reaction is one in which two lighter nuclei get fused together to form a heavy nucleus. ncy of light. 0000000710 00000 n
(c) The stopping potential and hence the maximum velocity of the electrons depends upon the frequency of incident light and is independent of its frequency. 1729 flp lecture photos. Gama decay:- Sometimes the daughter nucleus is left in the excited state. Since, W∝1/n2, a higher orbit electron possesses a lesser negative energy (greater energy) than that of a lower orbit electron. Course Info . 0000005223 00000 n
A fusion reaction is one in which two lighter nuclei get fused together to form a heavy nucleus. Radioisotope:- An isotope, obtained in process of artificial transmutation, which exhibits radioactivity is called a radio-isotope. Use Coupon: CART20 and get 20% off on all online Study Material, Complete Your Registration (Step 2 of 2 ), Live 1-1 coding classes to unleash the creator in your Child. (a) The fissionable material should be larger than a certain minimum size. Chain reaction:-The above quoted fission reaction proceeding in an uncontrolled manner is known as chain reaction and forms the basis of atom bomb. Falling Behind in Studies? Lorenzforce. This course is usually taught for students who just have finished the Phys.131 and 132 (Introductory Physics) in the SUNY at Binghamton. Greater the frequency of light greater is the stopping potential. It is a highly exothermic reaction and produces energy, on a scale, much higher than that produced in fission. Time and length in relativity. Electrons revolve round the nucleus in fixed circular orbits. Home. Nuclear reaction:- Fission reaction of U92235can be made to proceed in a controlled manner by slowing down the three emitted neutrons. Feynman's Notes. e/m = v/rB. For, C.G.S (k = 1), W = - [2π2Z2me4/n2h2], For, S.I. ?Nuclear fission is the process by which a nucleus breaks up in such a way that the two products obtained are of comparable sizes. 4 SUMMER 2019, ARTEM G. ABANOV,MODERN PHYSICS. Blog |
ppt. (f) Rate of disintegration of the radioactive substance, at any instant, is directly proportional to the number of atoms present at that instant. 8.33 10 sec 0.312 2.6 10 sec 1 0.95 2.6 10 sec 1. Isotopes:- Nuclei having same atomic number Z but different mass number A are called isotopes. In accordance to Bohr’s postulate of atomic structure, the angular momentum of an electron is an integral multiple of h/2π. pdf. In Phys.131 and 132, we do not teach the modern physics (we teach the simple case of the special relativity). Radioactivity:- The phenomenon by virtue of which substance, spontaneously, disintegrate by emitting certain radiations is called radioactivity. All lecture notes with drawings., All lecture notes with drawings., All lecture notes with drawings. 0000005037 00000 n
Kinetic energy of the electron:- It is the energy possessed by the electron by virtue of its motion in the orbit. (b) Rutherford (rd):- Radioactivity of a substance is said to be 1 Rutherford if its atoms disintegrate at the rate of 106 disintegrations per second. (a) Stopping potentialdepends upon thefrequency of light. (a) Curie (Ci):- Radioactivity of a substance is said to be one curie if its atoms disintegrate at the rate of 3.7×1010 disintegrations per second. ); P. Collier: “A Most Incomprehensible Thing: Notes Towards a Very Gentle Introduction to the Mathematics of Relativity”, Incomprehensible Books. Fission of U92235 by fast moving neutrons is represented as. (e) All the laws of mechanics can be applied to electron revolving in a stable orbit while they are not applicable to an electron in transition. Pre-Newtonian physics . 744 pages of flp student handouts Exams. (e) Stopping potential is independent of the intensity of light. Careers |
Homework. , a higher orbit electron possesses a lesser negative energy (greater energy) than that of a lower orbit electron. subject, Here, r is the radius of curvature, B is the strength of magnetic field, v is the velocity, e is the charge on cathode ray particle and m is the mass. (b) Change in wavelength:- λ' – λ =λc (1-cos? For S.I system (k=1/4πε0), RH = (1/8ε02) (me4/ch3), (a) For Lyman series:- 1/λ = R [1– 1/n2], n = 2,3,4…..∞, (b) For Balmer series:- 1/λ = R [1/22 – 1/n2], n =3,4,5…..∞, (c) For Paschen series:-1/λ = R [1/32 – 1/n2], n =4,5,6…..∞, (d) For Brackett series:-1/λ = R [1/42 – 1/n2], n =5,6,7…..∞, (e) P-fund series:-1/λ = R [1/52 – 1/n2], n =6,7,8…..∞, For the first excited state, n=2, W2 =W1/4 = (-13.6/4) eV = -3.4 eV, For the second excited state, n=3, W3 =W1/9 = (-13.6/9) eV = -1.51 eV, Similarly, for other excited states, W4 = -0.85 eV and W5 = -0.54 eV, Number of emission lines from excited state:-n = n(n-1)/2. number, Please choose the valid
On absorbing energy they move to a higher orbit while emission of energy takes place when electrons move to a lower orbit. Frequency, wavelength and wave number of radiation:-, Frequency, f = k2[2π2Z2me4/h3] [1/n12 – 1/n22]. Twin paradox … Media Coverage |
For a particular orbit (n= constant), orbital velocity of electron varies directly as the atomic number of the substance. Average life of a radioactive substance is equal to the reciprocal of its radioactive decay constant. Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals, French Southern and Antarctic Lands (+262), United state Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (+1), Deformable Bodies and Elastic Deformation, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current. The Speed of Light. PHGN 300: Modern Physics - Spring 2018 Disclaimer: my lecture notes contain drawings, pictures and photographs from textbooks, but also from "googling the web" for illustration. 1489 0 obj
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(d) The disintegration is accompanied by the emission of energy in terms of α, β and γ-rays either single or all at a time. Email, Please Enter the valid mobile
It is a highly exothermic reaction and produces energy, on a scale, much higher than that produced in fission. 0000006736 00000 n
Greater the frequency of light greater is the stopping potential. (b) A gradual change in the number of electrons reaching the collector due to change in its potential indicates that the electrons are ejected with a variety of velocities. Nuclear fission is the process by which a nucleus breaks up in such a way that the two products obtained are of comparable sizes. (b) Electrons are capable of revolving only in certain fixed orbits, called stationary orbits or permitted orbits. by fast moving neutrons is represented as. news feed!”. A device in which the fission proceeds in a controlled manner is called a nuclear reaction. (a) Nuclear forces are attractive in nature.
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