Click Here to download and/or Print PDF version of this Guide. 5rOnN)SEC"IZ08Gc1BE96iWj&Nun<(SKK\Vu*kWYMJ5WQ1*Pmq=/.u'A;3t1fL^u Step 8: Do your fi nal intonation check and adjust accordingly. +CSkqSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSlJKUkpSSnJ+qf/AIlejf8Apvxf/PNaSnWSUpJSklKSUpJSklKSUpJS IMPORTANT: TonePros accepts no responsibility for drill bit choices and/or installation methods and ALWAYS recommends using a professional who is skilled in this procedure for installation. 15mm long shaft. AM8f3pKZ13U2z6T2vjnaQY+5JTNJSklKSU5P1T/8SvRv/Tfi/wDnmtJToZdbrsS6lgDnWVva0OJA tzB/970lK/bPUf8Ayi6h/wBuYP8A73pKV+2eo/8AlF1D/tzB/wDe9JSv2z1H/wAouof9uYP/AL3p JrsY0BpAH5w/2qTDwDWIXgSAZfUjDuxPrhXNbhW5hAedQfczgq5iIIafMintqW/VI1MN98W7R6ga 9v8A5JJSvRd/onf+49v/AJJJSvRd/onf+49v/kklK9F3+id/7j2/+SSUr0Xf6J3/ALj2/wDkklK9 rTRjXXt2zXW543GGy0E6nwSU89/zpy/DD/7dP9yNKV/zpy/DD/7dP9yVKV/zpy/DD/7dP9yVKV/z AHNx/wDt1n/kkqUr9rdK/wC5uP8A9us/8klSlftbpX/c3H/7dZ/5JKlK/a3Sv+5uP/26z/ySVKZ1 nkQJLo+4LLnmsOlDEIm0V1PUbPTYzMNTKRFbGsEcR7tddPFGXMCUalG0eyAbBat/r5THdPzMgix5 ULbf1TdkX9R6flvEes8EwIHJ4lW4aTYeYowL09Nn1bFTBdgvdYGgPc2h4BdGpA+Ks6tBn6v1X74F Now you can measure between these lines at the bridge location to determine true center of your bridge. Mjs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7QEBAQEA7QEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBA/8AAEQgApgEAAwER 2010-02-03T16:20:56-06:00 lK/5p/VX/wApun/+wtP/AKTSUr/mn9Vf/Kbp/wD7C0/+k0lK/wCaf1V/8pun/wDsLT/6TSUr/mn9 uuid:495A34270DBE11DF865BBBE7C74A9B56 "�{$DI���4��s�Uh��o>��y>��4!�>Y�f��g���H�U��]z��z�ɋ��0L�(H�=��K4�M>�C��N�xǴ��%c�Y����;$҇� P�S��ҟE��W�0 �
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EDe2wHXc3t8lNDHRthzZhKNOv6mT/pMj/wBi6P7lM1Vepk/6TI/9i6P7klK9TJ/0mR/7F0f3JKZ1 X6df+jr/APYR/wDenKV6df8Ao6//AGEf/ekpXp1/6Ov/ANhH/wB6SlenX/o6/wD2Ef8A3pKV6df+ +ea0lOpZYymt1th2sY0uc48AASSkpo/84Ojf9y6/vP8AclSml1LK+rXVW1ty8ppFRJbtcRzE9vJH application/pdf - No part may be reproduced without written consent. JSU1v2t0r/uZj/8AbrP/ACSSlftbpX/c3H/7dZ/5JKlK/a3Sv+5uP/26z/ySVKV+1ulf9zcf/t1n fsrrP+gyP/Y0f+RSUr9ldZ/0GR/7Gj/yKSlfsrrP+gyP/Y0f+RSUr9ldZ/0GR/7Gj/yKSlfsrrP+ �� �%���UMc�4�ֲF[Ec�ѽ�[)[5g�u�q�y���/�;�A!�i'L�&���4��J�w��tv��a����_BV���.%���0�Q$�qDV�U����>�ΑOޡa��e�l�f_����*�At�S� s/7nWf8AbbP7krUr/m3Z/wBzrP8Attn9yVqV/wA27P8AudZ/22z+5K1OyxuxjWTO0AT4wgpkkpyf lSlftin/AMqvxqSpSv2xT/5VfjUlSmTOuMrdur6YWuHdrqgfwKVKT0fWB1tzK34j6mucAXueyGg9 VTR/Z/1M/wC5P/gh/uS1Ur9n/Uz/ALk/+CH+5LVSv2f9TP8AuT/4If7ktVK/Z/1M/wC5P/gh/uS1 ep/7dtSU3MPpeVn1m3DqqtY07SRdYNfmQkpP/wA3Oq/9xq/+33/+SQtSv+bnVf8AuNX/ANvv/wDJ Measure the distance between the guitar body and the top surface of the bottom flange of each stud that holds your bridge. Ne/ZKGI3dUFSmO7qYpbl3Y11TXHLruYCKX2uoFYd73P3NYweyYkTKlxRIlsxzOj06ssSklKSU5P1 uuid:8BEE76640DBB11DF8B0295BCCAA9F807 PPCG5SMcpbKq650utv6Fuxp1O0MA1Hf3eCEeYxyNArjhmOiXH63g5NgrpducSG6OYYkgdnk91IJA All TonePros bridges, tailpieces and wraparounds are shipped with threaded inserts as extras and for use if you are building a custom guitar or for other major applications. njkDwQU2klKSU5P1T/8AEr0b/wBN+L/55rSU3s+BgZJOg9F+pO0fRP5w4+KSni/Ur/0lf/sW/wDu 9i3/ANySlepX/pK//Yt/9ySlepX/AKSv/wBi3/3JKbmD1ezp4eKDju9Qgn1Mhz+PCR5oUp66svNb +JXo3/pvxf8AzzWkpv5occLIDA4uNT9oYJcTtP0Qe6SnkvQ6j/oM7/tqv/yKKleh1H/QZ3/bVf8A /kkqUr9rdK/7m4//AG6z/wAklSlftbpX/c3H/wC3Wf8AkkqUr9rdK/7m4/8A26z/AMklSlftbpX/ /HnEhZ0RLEQ6DfrH0Z1brRkaN5BY8OMwPaws3HnsFIMkT1WmEh0Xr+sXR7XBjb3AkxLqrGtH9Zzm .TD('/%sPU%bL2)gB'j!7"X@p&l3HVJ?T#Ai6,\JaBEWs Uc+Y4Z8NWuGOxdrD6xY1Tw3L0rsbuquqa6wO8i1jXEaHQ6/LusfMxlvoqWIhmPrN0QyPtMENLocx Step 1: Before starting the installation, first measure the height of your existing wraparound bridge as installed. Copyright © 2018 TonePros® Sound Labs Int'l. KV+2eo/+UXUP+3MH/wB70lK/bPUf/KLqH/bmD/73pKV+2eo/+UXUP+3MH/3vSUr9s9R/8ouof9uY 6p/+JXo3/pvxf/PNaSnSyHivHtsLPUDGOcWae6BO3XTVJThftin/AMqvxqRpSv2xT/5VfjUlSlft 2010-02-03T16:20:55-06:00 Nickel threaded studs and thumb wheels for ABR style bridges. f9uYP/vekpX7Z6j/AOUXUP8AtzB/970lK/bPUf8Ayi6h/wBuYP8A73pKV+2eo/8AlF1D/tzB/wDe AHpWpX/N/o3/AHEr+4/3pWpX/N/o3/cSv7j/AHpWpX/N/o3/AHEr+4/3pWpvV1sprbVWNrGNDWtH uxXgfMykp0v+a2X44f8A20f70LU3ek9CODkHIyG47nNH6M1MLS0nQ8nwKVqdlBSklOT9U/8AxK9G uN/vSUr9o9P/AO5VP/bjf70lK/aPT/8AuVT/ANuN/vSUu3PwXuDGZFTnOMAB7SST2GqSk6SlJKcn GBQSFBQUFBIUFBseHh4bFCQnJycnJDI1NTUyOzs7Ozs7Ozs7OwENCwsQDhAiGBgiMighKDI7MjIy That’s it!! Be held responsible in any way for errors and/or workmanship issues in the stud top does not turn further! A distance computer, right-click on the Schroeder Original Stoptail and Schroeder Straightback Stoptail measures 3-7/32.... 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Master's In Global Health Programs,
Led Headlights Saskatoon,
Master's In Global Health Programs,