He moves back and forth from health to illness and back to health again. For example, a blood pressure of 160/95 is pathological, 120/70 is normal or healthy, and 105/55 is consistent with an athlete’s blood pressure; a body fat of 40% … The health-illness continuum (see figure 1-1) illustrates this process of change, in which the individual experiences … The wellness paradigm spans the entire length of the continuum, since this is the direction our patients must be facing in order to achieve high-level wellness. These are categories within each of our daily lives that must be balanced in order to attain optimal health. The continuum can be visualized many different ways, but here are a few examples: The illness-wellness continuum was first imagined by Dr. John W. Travis in 1972. This is a great tool that nurses can use to help their patients visualize, plan and achieve their goals for a healthier lifestyle. The treatment paradigm, however, only leads patients to the neutral point or, in other words, a non-illness state. Our goal as nurses should be to move our patients beyond that to a more opti… He may wake up feeling great, develop a headache mid-morning, and feel fine again by noon. His condition is rarely constant. The individual’s state of health is one of continual change. 1.03 The Health-Illness Continuum. Some examples of the continuum include the 6 components of personal health.
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